School Attendance
We take your child’s attendance at school very seriously and encourage you to call school as soon as possible if your child is unwell and is unable to attend school. If your child has difficulties in attending school we will engage with you as a family to support you. Please call school and ask to speak to Ms. J Higgins or your child's class teacher if you are struggling with your child attending school.
As with all schools we are unable to sanction a family holiday in school term time.
For more attendance information please see our attendance booklet below.
From 1 September, there is new guidance that all schools must follow in order to secure good attendance for every child and includes working closely with families to identify the causes of low attendance and resolve to remove any barriers. Nexus Multi Academy Trust have created this overview for families.
Please notify us if your child is absent as soon as possible by telephone on 0114 479 8000.
If your child is unexpectedly absent and we have not received a telephone call by 8:30am, we will endeavour to ring the parent/ carer in order to ascertain the child’s whereabouts.
If you are struggling with your child attending school please speak to your child’s Class Teacher or the Wellbeing Team so that we are able to help you and your child resolve any issues that may have occurred.
Illness and Accidents
If your child is ill please keep them at home to prevent the spread of contagious illness. In the event of sickness or diarrhoea, please keep your child away from school for 48 hours, if unsure please check website Health Protection Agency with guidance for Infection Control In Schools. If your child is taken ill in school our policy is to contact you by telephone, so that you can collect your child and take them home. For this purpose we shall ask you to complete a form so that we can get in touch with at least one parent or carer.
It is also helpful if we can have a nearby relative or friend’s telephone number and address so that we can contact them if the parents are unobtainable. It is very important that we are kept informed of changes of address, working hours or other circumstances that could affect your child in school. If an accident happens and a child sustains a serious injury, first aid will be given and we will contact you and call an ambulance if appropriate.
When should I keep my child away from school?