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The #DiscoveryCrew Curriculum

The Discovery Intent . . . Our 'Why?'

The intent of our curriculum is simple… we want to grow children into young adults who have rich and diverse knowledge about the world around them, can make informed decisions because they know and understand their rights and finally, are independent and safe as they grow through their life stages.

Our big 6 encompass this intent and are specifically chosen to ensure we meet the needs of our students and the way in which they co-exist in the world around them.


The Discovery Implementation . . . our 'How'

Our  curriculum builds  knowledge and skills through the creation of experiences that take into consideration individual needs and development stages.

We want #Crew members to be confident, happy individuals that have a safe place to make mistakes.

Our students are  inquisitive, resilient learners who dare to dreambelieve in themselves and achieve their full potential. 


Click here for more information about our Discovery Teaching and Learning Cycle.


Our Discovery Impact . . . our 'So what?'

Our aim is to provide a curriculum which has a  profound impact on our pupils' next steps both within and beyond school. We want our pupils to be proud of the outcomes they receive and prepared for adulthood. 


Want to know more about our curriculum? 

If you would like to know more about our curriculum or request paper copies or any of  our documents, please  contact our friendly admin team, who can help or direct your call: 0114 479 8000

Alternatively, you can email: or our curriculum lead,